March 4, 2009

Farmer's Rights Project

Here is an opportunity for farmers to submit their ideas and views on the sustainable use of plant genetic resources ahead of the Third Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

Regine Andersen (Dr. Polit.)
Senior Research Fellow

The Fridtjof Nansen Institute
P.O. Box 326
N-1326 Lysaker

Dear all,

We from the Farmers' Rights Project would like to remind you that the Third Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture will be held in Tunis, Tunisia, 1-5 June 2009. The draft provisional agenda has now been published (please find it attached), and the implementation of Article 9 on Farmers' Rights is item 14 on the provisional agenda. Please also note that the implementation of Article 6 on the sustainable use of plant genetic resources, which is highly relevant for the implementation of Farmers' Rights, is item 13 on the provisional agenda.

As you might recall, the Governing Body adopted a resolution on Farmers* Rights at its Second Session (please find it attached). It states that Contracting Parties and organizations are encouraged to submit views on and experiences from the implementation of Farmers* Rights. We hope that all parties and organizations who would like to contribute to the work of the Governing Body on the implementation of Farmers* Rights will use this opportunity to send their contributions. If you have not already done so, it would be best to send your contributions to the Secretariat as soon as possible.

We would also like to remind you that the Governing Body is committed to involve farmers' organizations in its work (as stated in the resolution). It would therefore be good if Contracting Parties and organizations that have the possibility to do so, could invite farmer representatives to take part in their delegations.

More information on the Third Session of the Governing Body can be found at:

Best regards,
Regine Andersen


Tel.: + (47) 67 11 19 00
Fax.: + (47) 67 11 19 10
See also:

PDF Draft Agenda

PDF Resolution of Farmer's Rights

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