November 27, 2008

Deccan Development Society

During my stay in India I walked into the Taj to have a look see and it was an opulent intense contrast to the poverty on the streets a few steps beyond the Red turbaned doormen. Flaming now... just one way to destabilize an India in resurgence, who could possibly want to do that. I feel sad today for the violence in India and share here a link to a very powerful group of women, The Deccan Development Society who for two decades have organized thousands of very poor women at the village level to empower their voices and their access to resources, particularly sustenance. Seed security has become the key issue in recent years and the fight to preserve and protect traditional seed from transgenic contamination and corporate control. Be sure to visit their great website that is full of resources and links to their inspiring fight against the destabilization of India's rich agricultural traditions and the empowerment of the Dalit.


Anonymous said...

Hi there

I was browsing your great blog and came across this article about DDS, who we worked with in India for 10 years.

It occurred to me that you might be interested in checking out my blog. I work for Find Your Feet, a small UK based NGO that works with the poorest families in India and Malawi over the long term, so that they can build the skills and the confidence to transform their lives and their community.

I think you might find this post about a procession to raise awareness about seed conservation particularly interesting:

Let’s keep in touch!

anne said...

Thanks Molly,
keep up the great work. It is the agrarian classes and women in particular that I believe are the key to future sustainibility. My email is agrariangrrl(at)gmail(dot) com