June 20, 2009

lettuce in the rain

Just back from the market and the introduction of self to chefs and a storefront along the drive home, because I didn't sell out today and need other "outlets" for my produce. It rained, and with in 5 minutes of the downpour customers disapperaed and vendors started to pack up - there was only an hour left of the market. Dealing with surplus isn't my favorite aspect of the job...hitting the pavement, figuring price; it always seems like a lot of work to time and juggle the sales - its a job my ex-partner managed while I was more field bound. I pray for more sunny saturdays everywhere, because the markets are more my speed. At least I was able to pass on my fine unsold lettuce and the box of salad and make some connections on the drive home for the ever burgeoning harvest.

The rain will make the lettuce grow even bigger, but slow down the bolting, so its all good.

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