Last night on CBC`s As it Happens, Carolyn who operates Luscious Garage in San Fransisco was interviewed about her brisk business in converting hybrids to electric vehicles. The story was a clever juxtaposition to the big story of the US Congress `lame duck`session to dole out alms to the Corporate Auto Dinosaurs (who flew to Washington in private jets). And it amazes me daily how few luscious mechanics we have. My suggestion for stimulating the economy in one of many billion small, local, green ways, is to train folks to convert old tractors to electric. These old beauties are incredibly useful in vegetables as the seeder or weeding implements fits under the belly, or in front of the tractor, and the engine is in the rear, making precision and visibility quite lovely. Check out how to make the conversion, if you are lucky enough to have an old Allis Chalmers G sitting in your back field.
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